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Cut and Paste with Fideli Sundqvist

The Swedish Artist Makes Her Own World

Cut and Paste with Fideli Sundqvist

visual culture

Fideli Sundqvist is a charming artist who weaves construction paper into bright, colorful and surprisingly emotional scenes of domestic tranquility. Since 2011, she has worked full-time to produce pieces for brands ranging from Louis Vuitton to Canon. Her eye is refined, and she has a firm grasp on texture, shapes, shadows, and colors—each piece is a balancing act both visually and physically. The painstakingly-produced paper works are a lively reminder to slow down and appreciate the little things in life.

Fideli Sundqvist paper artFideli Sundqvist paper artFideli Sundqvist paper artFideli Sundqvist paper artFideli Sundqvist paper artFideli Sundqvist paper art
