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Encouraging Innovation in Craftsmanship

02/08/2022 architecture & interior

Encouraging Innovation in Craftsmanship

Explore the recording studio turned restaurant that artfully showcases how sustainable architecture practices can continue to inspire.

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Meet Letícia Bufoni, The Global Skating Star

28/07/2022 Escape

Meet Letícia Bufoni, The Global Skating Star

Letícia Bufoni, the global skating star known for her high-intensity style and fearless approach reflects on her skating journey over the years.

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A Park Ranger’s Guide to Proper Etiquette

13/07/2022 Escape

A Park Ranger’s Guide to Proper Etiquette

Yosemite. Grand Canyon. Death Valley. Big Sur. Covering a remarkable 84 million acres, rich in wildlife and history, these astonishing spaces are full to the brim with natural wonders.

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The Beauty of Imperfection

30/06/2022 architecture & interior

The Beauty of Imperfection

“All places of beauty have a very negative side about them. There can’t be beauty where everything works to perfection.” - Ricardo Bofill.

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Fall in Love with the Sounds of the Deep South

15/06/2022 Escape

Fall in Love with the Sounds of the Deep South

Country, jazz and blues can all claim to be truly American art forms. On a journey drenched in cultural history; experience their roots on a 600-mile stretch of road through the deep South, discovering a celebration for the love music in all of its forms along the way.

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Exploring Art Beyond the Museum Walls

03/06/2022 visual culture

Exploring Art Beyond the Museum Walls

Art exists all around us, sometimes hidden in plain sight and sometimes in remote corners of the world. Art Escapes explores exciting art outside conventional spaces, freely available for those willing to discover creativity on another plane.

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