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India’s Greenhouse Revolution

29/04/2020 Escape visual culture

India’s Greenhouse Revolution

For small Indian farmers, water supply can too easily mean the difference between life and death. The long droughts, extended heat waves, and unpredictable rainfall brought about by global warming have proven disastrous for many of India’s 146 million small farms, 85 percent of which now lose more money than they make. Reinventing traditional rituals, this startup has revolutionized farming in an era of climate change.
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The Impossible Architecture of Dreams

28/04/2020 architecture & interior visual culture

The Impossible Architecture of Dreams

Architectural and interior dreams of the world's leading digital creators are creating a new design language bound to utopian hopes and surreal visuals. In the preface of the book, Rosie Flanagan discusses how the digital world is liberating perceptions of what is possible in the physical realm.
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The Infographic is Mightier Than The Sword work by Alberto Lucas López

24/04/2020 design & fashion visual culture

The Infographic Is Mightier Than The Sword

Infographics are often regarded as the world's most-spoken language. In the field of journalism, they have the ability to unify incredibly dense and complicated subjects in a way that is attainable for all. "The pearl of journalism," explains Alberto Lucas López, one of the most celebrated infographers of this generation. Delve into his journey and discover how he changed the style guide of National Geographic.
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Weed Nuns On A Mission To Heal. Photo: Soraya Matos

17/04/2020 design & fashion visual culture

Weed Nuns On A Mission To Heal

When the Financial Crash of 2008 began to take its grip on the United States, a former financial consultant adopted a nun costume and took the streets to join the Occupy movement. This was the moment Christine Meeusen started her journey of becoming Sister Kate, and later the revolutionary weed healing empire known as the Sisters of the Valley. Explore emerging new cannabis culture for 420.
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To Build a Beautiful Plate, Start With The Right Tools. Photo by Alana Dimou

06/04/2020 food & beverages visual culture

To Build a Beautiful Plate, Start With The Right Tools

Chef Jack New discusses the art of building a plate and Jenny Dorset's creation is brought alive through a step-by-step guide. Plating is like poetry, it is an art and requires a level of understanding to display. From Story on a Plate, we look at the tools needed to construct beautiful plates.
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Bring Your Pantry Alive With These Improvised Breakfast Recipes

30/03/2020 food & beverages visual culture

Bring Your Pantry Alive With These Improvised Breakfast Recipes

Recipes for readers to inspire impromptu new morning rituals that break the cycle of isolation. Through Simone Hawlisch's photography and recipes, we explore spontaneous solutions that are often hidden in your cupboard to add a little magic to your next breakfast.

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